
Importance of Rebounder Training

Why Rebounder Training?

Having owned and operated several speed academies since 1994, I have experience with many different types of training tools. A good coach knows a training tool is to serve a purpose. It certainly isn’t to build your philosophy around.

I have been known for being extremely resourceful when it comes to using equipment that serves the purpose I need it for, allowing the equipment to be easily positioned so I have wide open spaces, and keeping my costs super low.

I am famous for using medicine balls, bands, tubing, bars and dumbbells, and a rebounder. I have owned a rebounder for nearly 20 years.

How is Rebounder Training Useful?

Rebounder training is one of those tools that have benefit my programming needs, my athletes’ performance needs, and my space requirements.

Regardless, if I am working with an athlete three months removed from ACL surgery, and volleyball setter needing more hand, wrist, arm and shoulder reactivity, a tennis or basketball player wanting to improve their efficiency when moving laterally. The rebounder was the answer.

The rebounder is a functional tool that allows me to have 4-6 athletes working in a rotation sequence, therefore I have many athletes working at once. I can program proper work to rest by rotating these athletes through the rebounder and a secondary exercise to be performed while waiting their next rep.

This tool allows for youngster to learn the timing of a catch and the trajectory in will take. It also allows my hardened professionals to create incredible elasticity through transverse plane training.

There are certainly other great options, such as using a concrete wall, but when you need athletes to throw and receive at various angles the wall becomes a limitation to this demand.

The rebounder is a great tool when I progress my athletes’ hip and adductor training into a more progressive and dynamic strategy. My athletes stand in a narrow straight leg posture and throw and receive the ball in a rotational manner. The action of having to stabilize for balance, position, and posture create a high demand on adductor and hips to stability from head to toe.

We all have our wants and needs when it comes to equipment. Because I always bought equipment based on my athletes needs, my facility space allotment, and my budget restrictions, rebounder training was the answers.

If you need direction with how to use a rebounder, l high suggest Rounder Training for the Athlete. I show you EXACTLY how I use it with my athletes.

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