tools in toolbox

Why Coaches Need a Bigger Toolbox

Any mechanics will tell you, having more options in your toolbox allow for more solutions to fixing problems on the job.

The same goes for strength and conditioning coaches. If you have a very limited toolbox, you will limit yourself on how many problems you can solve.

This doesn’t mean you can’t be successful with a lesser filled toolbox of corrective drills- it just means there will be some issues you won’t be able to solve.

How do we grow our toolbox and avoid the common mistake of useless drill collection?

Big problem….

One of the quickest and most efficient ways to grow your tools is always to keep a little memo pad in your pocket. When you train an athlete, team, or adult client- take notes on the things you are unsure how to solve.

Research the problems you were unsure of. Taking the extra step to find the answer gives you an immediate solution for the next time. But that’s not it…

Practice the solutions you just discovered, so the first time you try them, it isn’t on a client, and it’s not a crap-shoot. Be prepared!

A great way to build your toolbox of solutions and correctives is to direct your attention to those who are experts in the particular area of concern.

For example, if you want to know a corrective mobility exercise for the shoulder, there are countless experts out there who share actionable steps to improve shoulder mobility.

There are experts in just about any joint you want to learn about… do a google search, check their credentials, and start filling up your toolbox with the corrective you know you need.

Here’s the cool thing about this strategy of searching out experts. If you want to have correctives for running form, jumping mechanics, strength movements, and breathing techniques, there are pros all over the place that will provide correctives ready to be used.

Filling your toolbox can be tricky. Putting useless tools in your box just because they look cool, cloud your judgment, and use up valuable mental storage space.

Stick to what you need based on experience. If an athlete has a problem that stumped you… that’s a great time to find a corrective to fix that particular problem. The next time it arises, you’ll be better prepared.

This type of training concept is vital to explore. If you want many more groundbreaking speed concepts, you would be well-served to become an in-depth Speed Toolbox member. To get an idea take my FREE course at to see how powerful these concepts are.