Rebounder Training for the Athlete


Learn how to integrate both systemic and localized strength, power, and elastic qualities athletes need to perform at a high level and reduce the potential for injury.

Your athletes will benefit from a system of finger, hand, and wrist exercises to total body power and elastic training. As well as, benefit from the integration of speed and quickness training while performing specific throwing and catching patterns. The stiffness, deceleration, and acceleration demand shown in this video will help bulletproof your athletes.


Learn How to Integrate Both Systemic and Localized Strength, Power, and Elastic Qualities Athletes Need to Perform at a High Level and Reduce the Potential for Injury.

Your athletes will benefit from a system of finger, hand, and wrist exercises to total body power and elastic training. As well as, benefit from the integration of speed and quickness training while performing specific throwing and catching patterns. The stiffness, deceleration, and acceleration demand shown in this video will help bulletproof your athletes.

You Will Learn:

• “Setting” routine to strengthen fingers, hands, wrists.
• Flexion, extension, and rotation patterns to strengthen forearms and shoulders.
• Stiffness and deceleration sequences to build strength and stability.
• Explosive frontal and transverse patterns to attack the various slings of the body.

Benefits of Training Your Athletes with a Rebounder…

  • Athletes learn how to manage the momentum of the ball coming back at them and make critical adjustments.
  • Coaches, strength coaches, trainers, therapists, and athletes have so many options to attack the various aspects of power, elastic energy, stability, balance, and strength.
  • Return to play athletes can feel competitive and like they are back in the game due to the intelligent, but intense training they can perform on the rebounder.
  • You do not need a large space- rebound training can be done in a small area.