
Lee Taft’s Ground Breaking 2

Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $99.00.

Ground Breaking 2, a six video set will make you into the guru on coaching athletic speed. Not only will you be able to evaluate athletic skills such as: many forms of cutting, acceleration, deceleration/change of direction, jumping/landing, first step quickness in any direction, lateral speed mechanics, tactical quickness, retreating skills… you will also be able to correct your athletes on the spot with highly targeted coaching cues.
(360 minutes)

SKU: 1310300969 Category:

6 Speed Coaching Videos

360 minutes

Ground Breaking 2

Ground Breaking 2 will make you into a guru of coaching athletic speed. With these speed coaching videos, not only will you be able to evaluate athletic skills such as many forms of cutting, acceleration, deceleration/change of direction, jumping/landing, first step quickness in any direction, lateral speed mechanics, tactical quickness, retreating skills… you will also be able to correct your athletes on the spot with highly targeted coaching cues. Your athletes will love you!

#1 The Warm-Up System

  • Discover the complete warm-up system that has prepared Lee’s athletes for the best performances of their lives; how to prepare the muscles before anything else is done, how to activate and energize the neuro-muscular system, when and how to use corrective stretching, how to perform a proper dynamic warm-up regardless of the age and ability of the athletes.
  • A post warm-up continuation of stability and balance training. This might be the missing link many coaches never use to properly bring athletes along. This section has helped us to keep our athletes moving at their best.

#2 Revisiting Ground Breaking 1

  • Many coaches have misunderstood the key message of what Ground Breaking 1 was all about. Lee clears up any misconceptions and helps you by making it crystal clear moving forward as a multi-directional speed coach.
  • You will have a clear understanding how why Lee preaches what he preaches when it comes to the Plyo-Step, Hip Turn, Crossover, Directional Step, and much more.

#3 Cutting

  • This might be one of the most misunderstood areas of athletic speed. Lee makes absolutely sure you have no doubt what an athlete needs to do when it comes to cutting.
  • Cutting has many different shapes and sizes depending on the situation. Lee clears up exactly how the footwork should occur in over 5 major cutting patterns that athletes commonly use on the court and field.
  • Lee wants you to know why the common method that most coaches, physical therapists, and trainers are teaching you is not only bad for performance but could be setting your athletes up for injury.
  • Discover why and when an athlete has to sit into the cut and when he or she must explode with speed through the cut for maximum performance.
  • Watch Lee live with athletes and see how he does not over coach them but simply cues them when they make a mistake. VERY IMPORTANT!

#4 Deceleration and Acceleration

  • Lee ends the argument about what leg is used in deceleration ONCE AND FOR ALL. He clearly outlines what leg is used when and why it is used. He has preached this for years and too many coaches are missing the point. Lee is fearful that athletes are going to get hurt if coaches keep emphasizing the wrong technique. He clears this up for you immediately!
  • Discover why the shoulders can make or break the work that the legs and feet do. If the shoulders are out of alignment of deceleration or acceleration the athlete’s movement will be slower.
  • Lee shares the key cues that can make you look like a magic worker with your athletes. Athletes will no longer have questions about how to decelerate or accelerate properly- you will coach them perfectly.
  • You will have a foolproof progression of how to coach deceleration and acceleration. Watch and see how simple Lee keeps his acceleration progression. You will immediately see how you can add to these progressions to have a season worth of skills and exercises to coach your athletes through- for any sport!
  • Lee shares with you and makes it crystal clear as to why you must coach acceleration to fully finish deceleration mechanics. If you get nothing else out of the enormous coaching course you must understand the concept of finishing deceleration with adding acceleration!

#5 Jumping and Landing

  • It will become completely apparent as to why you must coach the athletes on landing mechanics first. If you skip this step you might as well forget about getting optimal performance out of your athletes- plus you probably lead them down the road to injury.
  • Find out how to progress the athletes from jumping and all the variations to leaping and its variations, and finally to hopping and all of its variations.
  • Lee shows you the exact mechanics for every jump, leap, and hop. From the most basic exercise to the highly advanced, you will know how to coach jumping and Plyometrics.
  • Discover how you can implement training tools to improve and assess jumping like; Vertimax, Vertec, and low 4 inch boxes all the way up to big 30 inch boxes.
  • Do you think using boxes is always a more difficult progression? Lee shows you why you might be wrong and when to think differently.

#6 Olympic Lifting

  • Lee absolutely loves coaching Olympic Lifting. You will see why in this instructional speed coaching video.
  • Discover the simple yet most effective progression for teaching any athlete how to perform the basic clean, snatch, jerk, and all the variations.
  • It is important that you watch and listen to how you can easily introduce these skills to younger athletes. Lee taught his daughter, who was 8 years old, how to perform the clean and snatch in one day.
  • You are not only training competitive lifters. You are coaching athletes how to use their bodies to quickly accelerate and create power and quickness. Olympic lifts are a great tool to do just that and Lee will show you exactly how you can coach your athletes for success in the lifts.
  • Lee shares with you how you can use PVC pipes, DB’s, and light training bars to bring about confidence in your athletes.
  • For those of you who want to know how to perform the competitive lift clean and jerk and the snatch from the floor, Lee shows you exactly how it is done.
  • Racking the bar on the shoulders in the clean is vital to being safe and effective- He demonstrates to you exactly how to coach this to your athletes. Receiving the bar with locked out arms directly in the line of most stability is the goal in the snatch.



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