Discover How to Become a More Effective Movement Coach and Master the Skills to Improve the Explosive Power of Your Tennis Players…
Understanding Tennis Speed Starts and Ends with Having a Solid Foundation of Fundamental Athletic and Strength Movement Patterns.
About 32 years ago, I went to Bollettieri’s Tennis Academy, now known as IMG, as part of my mentorship from the United States Sports Academy.
I was 25 years old, had already coached three high school sports, and was a strength coach. However, my first exposure to my ability to assess, address, and train tennis speed and performance started way before…
In 1978 and 7th grade, I passed a physical and development maturity test on participating in high school varsity tennis. My love and desire to grow at tennis got kicked into high gear fast.
Moving forward to my second year of college tennis in 1986, I made the national tennis tournament in both singles and doubles. My journey to understand tennis movement was deeply ingrained by this time.
When I arrived at Bollettieri’s, my supervisors quickly recognized my ability to coach and, more importantly, “teach.” They saw how I handled large groups of athletes with relative ease and precision. I was quickly placed on the fast track and was given more and more responsibilities within the first few weeks of arriving.
It all started when the tennis director asked me to go out to the court and stand behind the players and watch them move…Ah! It was like being at home in a comfortable place.
I was one of those people who could “SEE” what many others couldn’t. After having discussions about what I saw and how these players needed to be trained to react and be quicker, the supervisor gave me more responsibilities, and I ran with it.
Fast forward 28 years to 2019, after stops at Palmer Tennis Academy, University of Kentucky, presenting at the Easter Bowl Junior Tennis Tournament, and working with countless beginner to high-level players, I sharpened my tennis speed and performance training…
Now I am here to sharpen yours…
How Does This Course Work?
Tennis Speed Insiders Mini-Course is an 8-module curriculum. The day you sign up is the day you begin your first module. Every other day you will receive a new topic. Each module includes a video detailing the topic information. You will also receive a training sheet to highlight the important points of the module and document vital information.
By the time the 8 modules are completed, you will have learned a strong foundation of athletic movement skills!
The Tennis Speed Insiders Mini-Course is designed to help coaches, players, and trainers understand how to use athletic prowess to manage all potential movements on the court.
However, I will let you in on a little secret…
What I teach in the Tennis Speed Insider Mini-Course will not only help your tennis athletes become amazing athletic performers on the court…It will help ALL athletes of ALL sports become DYNAMIC and HIGHLY successful movers for their sport!
Get This Course for the Sale Price of Only $149
Plus, Receive the Jump Training for Speed and Quickness Video and Workout Guide for FREE!
Course Details and Description
This module will teach simple yet extremely important methods to ensure your tennis athletes are activated and prepared to play. The exercises range from a gross overall movement to a more targeted exercise selection to ensure desired goals of injury prevention and performance are met.
Module #2- Fundamentals to Building Athletic Tennis Footwork
Discover how athletes become better when they have a skill set of fundamental movements. Acquire the know-how to direct these foundational fundamentals into a smooth tennis footwork pattern.
If you have players that do not have great deceleration ability, the chances of poor performance, and even worse a potential for injury, will rise quicker than the temperature. This module will show you a system of building deceleration for your players.
Module #4- Building a Reactive Player with Great Elastic Energy
It is important to understand movement on the court. Tennis players must have a quick, reactive ability to snap into action like a rubber band. And they must be able to quickly load and explode to meet the high speeds of the tennis ball traveling over the net at all angles. Those players who can do this the best are on their way to being winners!
Just because players can strike the ball really well doesn’t mean they automatically become elite tennis players. If they can’t move, eventually, they lose. The best players have the ability to move quickly and efficiently and will have great pursuit abilities. In this module, you will discover some of Lee’s most effective skills that tennis players must master to be great.
Module #6- Medicine Ball Training to Increase Tennis Power and Stability
This module is about a form of training that is often forgotten about or considered not very important. After diving into this explosive module, you will immediately recognize the great value of using the medicine ball in target ways to improve the players’ stability and overall body power.
Using tools that can increase force production and the rate of force production is critical to speed enhancement. Find out how Lee uses bands to improve acceleration in all directions. He will teach you important speed techniques to help tennis players cover the court faster.
Module #8- Conditioning the Tennis Player for Success, Not a Marathon.
Become competent at manipulating the tennis athlete’s demands to be in great shape by stealing and manipulating work done from their tennis practices and matches and building conditioning strategies around that. And gain insight into how to save the player’s legs and leave their body in great shape.

Jump Rope for Speed and Quickness training program video outlines three phases that are easy to implement yet challenging to an athlete’s body.
In this video, you will learn:
- How to use basic patterns to increase foot speed, coordination, and quickness.
- How you can use the jump rope routines to increase endurance.
This is a great resource for beginners as well as top-level elite athletes. Each phase has 10 exercises to improve athleticism. Athletes that can jump rope quickly will develop the ability to be quicker when the accelerate.
Included is a guideline to make it easy and quick to reference.
Understanding Tennis Speed Starts and Ends with Having a Solid Foundation of Fundamental Athletic Strength and Movement Patterns.
Tennis Speed Insiders Mini-Course is designed to help you understand the concepts of training an athlete. You will understand specific fundamental footwork patterns that engage the tennis players’ court speed. This course will help you manage the health of your players’ health and help them reach great condition shape to stay strong until the final shot.
Don’t miss out…get immediate access to the first module, and start helping your tennis athletes become more explosive…TODAY!